Many Americans sit for a total of eight hours a day at their job. That’s a lot of sitting! All that sitting can lead to many health problems like heart disease, dementia, and a shorter lifespan.
This is a serious problem! So, how do you incorporate movement into a job where you’re sitting most of the day?
Have you thought about doing yoga? Practicing yoga at work is an excellent way to keep your body moving, and not get too sweaty!
If you’re wondering how to start doing yoga in the workplace, keep reading!
Table of Contents
Why Practice Yoga at Work?
Yoga is not just for the studio, gym, or living room. Yoga can be practiced anywhere at any time, and there’s a pose for almost any health struggle.
Want to explore the reasons why yoga at work is a smart idea? Here are five.
1. It’s Easy
Some of the poses are very easy to do and take very little effort, but that doesn’t mean they’re not effective! Yoga can relieve aches and pains that can stem from too much sitting like neck and back pain.
For most poses, you can either be sitting at your desk or standing, whichever you want.
2. It’s Healthy
Exercise, even in small amounts, can be very helpful to your work performance. Those who exercise during the day boost their creativity, handle work problems better, and are generally happier people. It can also keep you focused and centered on your work.
3. It Improves Focus
One of yoga’s benefits is connecting the breath to your movements. This helps you focus, pay more attention to your body, and relieve some of the stress that often comes with the workplace. This practice can transfer to other areas of your life as well.
4. It Boosts Productivity
Yoga can boost your productivity! Yoga can provide fresh blood to the brain, improving its performance. Taking time out to take a few breaths and do a few yoga poses can help clear your mind and return to your projects rejuvenated and with more energy. It’s simple to do!
5. It Lowers Anxiety
Have you ever walked into your job and felt exhausted from the workload, and you’re just not sure if you can handle it anymore? It’s called burnout and it’s incredibly common and has a devastating effect on your job performance, perspective, and health. Practicing yoga can lower your anxiety and keep your mind clear so you can work effectively.
Benefits of Employee Yoga Classes
Offering yoga classes in the workplace provides several benefits. Here are a few.
When the mood in the workplace is tense and on edge, employees can have a challenging time working together to get projects accomplished. Doing yoga together can calm the mood and help employees think clearly and work better together.
Morale Boosting
Doing Yoga as a team is a great way to boost morale throughout the company. It gives you an hour every day to forget about the job and let your worries go, so when you return to work you’re in a much more positive frame of mind.
In addition, doing the activity in a team is a shared experience that makes you feel less isolated in your job. It also relieves the sense of boredom that can often creep into the daily grind.
Improves Teamwork
Exercising together forms a bond like no other. When you practice yoga together, you’re creating a stronger relationship between your employees that’s sure to last both inside and outside the workplace.
Reduces Illness
Healthier people generally have more energy to contribute to their work. They tend to care about their health outside the office, gain more strength and flexibility, and have fewer sick days by boosting their immunity. Investing in the health of your employees shows that you care about them, not just for their work, but as a person.
Also, companies that provide exercise outlets to their employees reap a ton of benefits.
Yoga is a wonderful practice that anyone can do, no matter the level of flexibility! It’s definitely for everyone.
It’s important to remember that yoga is not a performance sport, but a way to continue to improve your balance and concentration. Since it’s not competitive in any way, employees of different fitness levels and abilities can all enjoy practicing yoga together.
If you’re going to start an employee exercise program, make sure each employee understands both the benefits and risks or the program before proceeding.
How to Practice Yoga at Work
There are a couple of ways to add yoga to your workplace.
The first way is to do yoga individually at your desk or in your office. It’s easy to do a series of poses at your space throughout the day or taking several minutes away from your work.
Thre are several poses you can do in a seated position, or if you prefer, you can get out of your chair for better movement.
Another way to add yoga to the workplace is to do it as a collective. In other words, doing yoga as a group is a great way to stay less stressed together and manage your workload.
Also, the cost of a yoga class for one person is more expensive, but when this cost is split between employees, it makes it much more affordable! A private yoga class at work can actually be similar to the price of doing yoga at a studio when the cost is shared this way.
Our yoga classes are usually an hour-long, but we can offer shorter or longer classes to fit your schedule. If you’ve never thought about bringing a yoga class to your job site, perhaps it’s time to consider doing so! All you’ll need is a yoga mat; no other equipment is necessary.
Start by booking your private class with us today!
Stay Flexible at Work
Yoga at work is a wonderful way for your employees (and you!) to benefit from all this ancient practice has to offer. From boosting morale to helping employees care for themselves, yoga is a great way to make the workplace so much more fulfilling.
At Yoga Beyond the Studio, we understand the importance of yoga in the workplace and work hard to give your employees the classes they deserve, so they can continue to love their job and their life!
Are you ready to book your office yoga class? We have a range of options to choose from that will suit your needs. Book your first private yoga class with Yoga Beyond The Studio today or learn more about our yoga classes for the workplace.